Hi, and welcome to this survey.
This survey is about "inspiration", the subject for my graduation project. I want to investigate where people get their inspiration, but more what happens when u experience moments when u
don't have inspiration. Is there a difference between females and males, or professional artists and amateurs?
There is nothing worse then be an artist, in any form, and have no inspiration, I hope my research will be somehow useful in finding a possible solution for some. I hope u will enjoy this survey!
You can only choose one option for each question.
If none of the options apply to you, you are most welcome to specify your answer in the according textfield below the question.
Should you have any questions, comments or suggestions on this subject, you can use the textfield in question 13 or send me a
You will stay totally anonymous while answering these questions, so please answer honestly. No data, besides your input will be stored.